Musing on Music: Tonic Breed

I have a weird hard on for Norwegian bands. They are infectious. Like a good bacon sarnie, you can't just eat one, you have to have them every day. Satisfying. Happiness. Norwegian bands are like that. You can't just have one band. You have to collect them. They are satisfying. They are happiness. I came across Tonic Breed and their single Impossible is Nothing. I like the bass guitar. That's the first thing I noticed. I like that it's loud! So a massive thank you to Rudi Golimo for providing me with much glee. Then the headbanging starts. Then the stock euro-metal vocals come in. Patrik Svendsen vacillates between clean eloquent perfect diction vocals; which don't fit the song and singing with more of an edge, a slight grrrrrr that is more fitting. I put that down to his age, a babe of 22. Get this young man on the road in a people carrier playing several nights in front of a rabid metal audience and he'll get hair on his chest and his voice will take on that primal metal tone we all know and love. Impossible is Nothing is more pop metal. It's the metal you listen to during the day whilst dancing about your living room. I totally love the drum and bass break down in 3/4 of the way thru the song. That was wicked! Thomas Koksvik's guitar solo that follows is just sweet. The more you listen to the song, the more it grows on you.

Video for Impossible is Nothing


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